Hok Demely Liliane, Moorsele: back top in 2014.
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-1 Prov. Chateaudun 3101 d. and fastest of 5062 d.
-1 Prov. La Souterraine 1018 d.
-1 Wet. Zone A1 La Souterraine 1098 d.
-2 Prov. Chateaudun 562 d.
-2 Prov. Asduif kl. Halve Fond Jongen
-4 Wet. Ace Pigeon Kl. Halve Fond Jongen,…..
The season 2014 was there back 1 to fit.
In the winter of 2013 It was decided to 2 place toppers on the breeding loft ,
NL. t Zwartje 210/12 ,7 x 1 and best yearling of West Flanders on the middle distance in 2013
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en Mona, de winnares van 1 Prov. Orleans 5473 d. , take into consideration that with these pigeons to take away the results in 2014 something went under suffering,
But the remaining 13 weduwnaars staken een tandje bij en vlogen een mooi seizoen bij elkaar , seasoned with 2 Prov. zeges en 1 Wet. zege in de Zone A1.
De winnaar van 1 Prov. La souterraine en 1 Wet. in de Zone is een superduif , NL. Den Tulle 128/10
Na zijn indrukwekkende vliegcarriere mag hij nu het kweekhok gaan versterken.
Zijn mooiste uitslagen in zijn vliegcarriere waren oa.:
-La Souterraine 207 d. 1
-Prov La Souterraine. 1018 d. 1
-La Souterraine Nat. Zone 1098 d. 1 (2014)
-La Souterraine Nat. 7176 d. 29 (2014)
-Tulle 219 d. 1 ( 9 min. forward)
-Tulle Nat. zone 2460 d. 5 en Nat. 6817 d. 6 (2012)
-La Souterraine Nat. 9548 d. 6 (2013)La Souterraine 325 d. 2
-Orleans 249 d. 2 (After loft mate)
-Clermont 106 d. 3 (After 2 hokgenoten)
-Fontenay 168 d. 4
-Orleans 243 d. 4
-Clermont 128 d. 5
-Fontenay 317 d. 6
-Clermont 151 d. 9
-Ablis 510 d. 10
-Orleans 26 d. 10
-Poitiers 457 d. 10
-Ablis 608 d. 11
-Orleans 144 d. 11
-Tours 283 d. 11
-Tours 305 d. 12
-Fontenay 424 d. 18
-Poitiers 282 d. 19,…
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Het eerste jong uit den Tulle met zijn weduwnaarsduivin doet het allerbeste verhopen met oa :
Clermont 96 d. 2
Chateaudun 171 d. 4
Argenton 80 d. 4
Chateauroux 607 d. 7 and Prov. 4085 d. 114
Bourges 161 d. 13 en Nat. Z 889 d. 47
Chateauroux 167 d. 16,….
The sister of The Tulle , NL. 331/13 wint oa :
-Chateauroux 607 d. 17
-Poitiers 521 d. 3
Prov. 2509 d. 4
Wet. ZA1 2743 d. 4
National 14094 d. 8
-Chateaudun 54 d. 1
Prov. 562 d. 2
-Bourges 161 d. 6
Zone A1 889 d. 16 ,…..
De halfzus van Den Tulle is Liliane 983/09 , ze wint oa :
1. Prov. La Souterraine
2. Prov. St. Junien (3. s-NAT.)
9. Prov. Gueret , 1 Local ,….
Father Den Tulle:742/07Broer T. Bakshi , 1 Prov. Ace Pigeon Kbdb 2007, 5 x 1,…uit
Zoon Schicht 207/00 x Baker Rabe 024/03 , both super breeders !
Mother Den Tulle :881/07 Aelbrechtje , direct Aelbrecht M.
Lijn Marseille x Fijn Blauw x Bak 17 Aelbrecht Marcel.
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De Prov. winnaar uit Chateaudun van 14/06 is Freddie 307/13 . It was nice weather and a flight North wind and the 307/13 made firewood from the competition ,He flew locally with 1177 mpm
10 minutes ahead of 267 d. en Provinciaal maar liefst 8 minutes ahead of 3101 Yearlings and he was also the fastest of 5062 pigeons. Een Superprestatie .Hij vloog tot voor deze prestatie oa :
-Arras 72 d. 4
-Fontenay 211 d. 5
-Clermont 219 d. 6
-Clermont 319 d. 16
Als jong vloog hij oa
-Fontenay 100 d. 9
-Pontoise 709 d. 13
-Orleans 425 d. 25 ,..
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Taleb is the product of 2 Super pigeons, NL. Turner and Tom Boonen .
Tom Boonen and the Driver his half-brothers .
Zijn vader is Tom Boonen 630/06 , 1 Prov. Ace Pigeon Kbdb 2007 Yearlings.
Hij vloog oa 5 x 1 and 10 times top 5 . He comes from the Flash-Figo line of Rad (A). and H. from Passendale.
His mother was Natalia Witpenneke 151/10, zus Hazard 120/11(zie foto)en dochter van Den Draaier 670/06 x Sister Freddy 384/07, rechtstreeks Vandenheede Freddy.
Hazard is ook grootvader van de 2 Wet. Asduif Kleine Halve Fond Kbdb 2014,…
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Vader Den Draaier won zelf 4 x 1 and 18 runs in the first 10 prices and is also a super breeding cock after its stupendous racing career, half brother T. Boonen en tevens ook Schicht-Figo lijn van Reynaert A. and H. !!
Den Draaier is ook grootvader van 1 Prov. Orleans on 5473 d. in 2013
and also grandfather of Sultan 1 Prov. Chateaudun 3101 d.
and fastest of 5062 d. with 1177 m/m in 2014 !!
Mother 151/10 is zus van Hazard 120/11 , die won 5 x 1 and 6 x top 7,…
-151/10 is half sister of Lisbeth 980/09 , 1 Prov. St-Junien en 5 x 1 en zeer goede kweekster
-151/10 is halfzus Milan 339/08 with 3 x 1 and 8 x top 7 ,…
-151/10 is halfzus Witpen 914/09 with 5 x 1 and 6 x top 10
-151/10 is half sister Toursman 229/12 with 2 x 1 and 3 and 4 Prov. Tours,…
-151/10 is half sister 016/10 , father of 1 Prov. Orleans 5473 d. in 2013 ,…
Turner is Flash-Figolijn by Rad (A). and H.
Zus Freddy is kleindochter Limoges de Rauw-Sablon via Vandenheede Freddy uit Zingem, her brother Freddy is also a super breeder along with Beauty that a sister is van Driver, so 2 Repeat the same intersection.
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Freddy x Beauty include the parents of
-Fast Lady 1 Asduif Brugse en Eernegemse Kamp. 2012 with 5 x 1, ...
-Fast Freddy, Ablis 2269 d. 1 and 8 x top 5,…
And five other first prize winners,…. En ook grootouders van oa :
Lily 4075157/11 (Astere Vergotte WINS at Aalter)
-Vierzon 125 d. 1 and Prov. 2738 d. 13
-Argenton 419 d. 1 and Prov. 5487 d. 5 and Nat. 2334 d. 21
-La Souterraine 124 d. 1 and Prov. 630 d. 4
-Montlucon 319 d. 13
-Angerville 120 d. 5 / 312 d. 13 / 227 d. 11
Freddy x Beauty are great-grandparents of 235/11 (J. v Netherlands)
235/11 wint oa :
-Pommeroeul 275 d. 2 and 1810 d. 2
-Pommeroeul 261 d. 8
-Pommeroeul 619 d. 13 as a youngster.
-More 1003 d. 1
-Duffel 1336 d. 9
-Peronne 358, d. 1 and 3196 d. 18
-Argenton 113 d. 1 and 1611 d. 19
-Ruffec 86 d. 4 and 1060 d. 30 ,…. in 2012
-Chateaudun 3973 d 1
Overzicht van het Hok Demely Liliane, Moorsele :
2008 : 21 x 1 and among other things 1 Prov. Tours,….
2009 : 19 x 1 and among other things 1 Prov. Limoges,….
2010 : 19 x 1 and among other things 1 Prov. St-Junien
and 1 Prov. La Souterraine,….
2011 : 17 x 1 and among other things 2 Prov. Poitiers and 2 Prov. St-Junien,…
1 Intprov. ACE pigeon Both Flanders with 1,02%
2012 : 14 x 1 (Despite loss 3 top pigeons, together for 13 x 1)
2013: 14 x 1 and among other things 1 Prov. Orleans
2 Prov. Ace Pigeon Kbdb, Best Yearling by w.-Vl. on the Kl. H. F.
Most beautiful places of honor in 2013 include :
-1 Prov. Orleans 5473 d.
-2 Prov. Fontenay 5264 d. (Kayla)
-2 Prov. Fontenay 9077 d. (2 fastest of 4950 old and 4127 JL)
-3 Prov. Orleans 5473 d.
-3 Prov. Fontenay 4802 d.
-3 Prov. Tours 1033 d.
-4 Prov. Tours 1173 d.
-5 Prov. Fontenay 5918 d.
-6 Wet. La Souterraine 9548 d,…..
2014 : 18 x 1 (of which 6 x the two first) and among other things :
-1 Wet. Zone La Souterraine 1098 d.
-1 Prov. La souterraine 1018 d.
-1 Prov. Chateaudun 3101 d en snelste van 5062 d.
-2 Prov. Chateaudun 562 d.
-2 Prov. and 7 Prov. Ace Pigeon Kl. Halve Fond Jongen
-4 Wet. Ace Pigeon Kl. Halve Fond Jongen
-4 Prov. Poitiers 2509 d.
-4 Wet. Zone A1 Poitiers 2743 d.
-7 and 8 Prov. Brionne 7661 d.
-8 Wet. Poitiers 14094 d.,….
-1 Wet. Zone Tours 4436 d. is 50% Demely Liliane (at Dorcas Vergotte)
-2 Wet. Ace Pigeon Kl. Middle distance boy is 50 % Demely Liliane(at Dany Lam)
-1 Tessenderlo 7491d, vader en moeder zijn 50 % Demely Liliane(at Arjan Bacon)
-1 Isnes 5093 d. is soort Demely Liliane,….(at John Vasterink)
Most beautiful results 2014 are :
Oude en Jaarlingen:
-Arras 72 d. 1-2-4-14
-Clermont 219 d. 6-8-15-27-43-45-52-99 (8/9)
-Clermont 106 d. 1-2-3-9-13-14-31-32 (9/10)
-Fontenay 348 d. 8-11-20-26-35-37-49,.. (9/11)
-Fontenay 211 d. 3-5-10-11-14-26-36,… (8/10)
-Chateaudun 267 d. 1-3-4-15-40-43-49 (7/8)
Provincial 3101 d. 1-15-21-67-279-312,.. (7/8) and fastest of 5062 d.
-Chateaudun 127 d. 2-32 (2/2)
Provincial 1961 d. 16-333 (2/2)
-Chateaudun 171 d. 1-4-9-10-25-42,… (8/13)
-Chateaudun 175 d. 4 and 20 (1 and 2 afg)
-Limoges 537 d. 15 and 59 (2/2)
-Poitiers 521 d. 3 and 71 (1 and 2 afg)
-Cahors 232 d. 6 ( 1 afg)
-La Souterraine 207 d. 1 and 21 (2/2)
Provincial 1018 d. 1 and 64 (2/2) (first series 1 and 2)
Wet. Zone A1 1098 d. 1 and 63 (2/2)(first series 1 and 2)
-Bourges 161 d. 6 and 13 (2/2) (first series 1 and 2)
Wet. Zone A1 889 d. 16 and 47 (2/2) (first series 1 and 2)
-Argenton 80 d. 4 and 9 (2/2) (first series 1 and 2)
Youngsters :
Arras 76 d. 1-2-9-11,….
Arras 159 d. 2-6-13-14-15,…. (6/7)
Clermont 215 d. 2-6-11-12-13-15-34-36-38,….
Pontoise 125 d. 6-9-16-19-27 (5/6)
Pontoise 204 d. 1-7-9-20-23-29-34-36-38-41-46-47,…
Chateaudun 384 d. 1-6-11-18-30-51,…
Chateaudun 420 d. 1-4-7-9-12-16-17-18-27-41-43,…
Chateaudun 323 d. 1-2-3-4-5-7-9-13-14-16-22-25-29-35-37-50-52-54,…
Chateaudun 167 d. 1-2-4-5-15-17-18-21-22-23-25-29,…
Brionne 505d. 1-2-5-13-28-55-56-63-70-80-81-94,…
Brionne 221 d. 6-7-13-14-17-18-31-34-41,….
Prov. 7661 d. 7-8-20-74,….
La Souterraine 430 d. 2-5-13-18-45-59-66-70-77-84,…
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